Returns the base width of the channel.
Base width error checking.
Sideslope error checking
Sets the width at the smaller base of the channel.
Sets the side slope of the channel. Assumming symmetrical section.
Method to be called for the analysis regardless of the unknown.
Solve for the unknown base width
Solve for the unknown bed slope
Critical flow analysis.
Solve for the unknown discharge.
Solve for the unknown water depth
Available unknowns for this class.
Base width or the channel width for rectangular sections.
Gravitational acceleration in metric.
Trial error max to 0.01%
Units options
Flow types. These are the categories in which the calculated froude number is compared to.
General available unknowns for open channel.
Unit of measurement.\ All calculations will be done in metric but both metric and imperial system are supported.
Discharge (Flow Rate)
Rise over run of the channel.
Depth of water measured from the deepest point of the channel.
Manning's roughness coefficient.
Total length of the channel section covered with water.
Total area of the channel section covered with water.
wettedArea / wettedPerimeter
Average velocity over the whole cross section of the channel.
Froude number.
Enum type. (e.g. DISCHARGE, WATER_DEPTH, etc.)
Flow type reconned from the Enum type FlowType
Hydraulic depth
Discharge intensity. Discharge divided by the top channel width.
Depth of flow that will give critical flow.
Bed slope that will give critical flow.
Available unknowns
Variable that tells if the calculation has no error.
The error or warning message that helps debug or give information about the calculation results.
Put all the initializations here.
Returns the rate of flow in either cubic meter per second (metric) or cubic feet per second (english).
Returns the average velocity in the channel in either meter per second (metric) or feet per second (english).
Returns the bed (bottom) slope of the channel.
Returns the water depth in either meter or feet.
Returns the wet perimeter in either meter of feet.
Returns the wet area in either square meter or square foot.
Returns the hydraulic radius in either meters or feet.
Returns the froude number
Retuens the manning's roughness coefficient.
Returns the string representation of type of flow.
Returns the hydraulic depth in either meter or foot.
Returns discharge intensity in either cubic meter per second per meter or cubic foot per second per foot.
Returns critical depth in either meters or feet.
Returns the slope of the critical flow for the channel.
Check if an error has occurred. @return isError
Gets the error message. @return errMessage
Set the bed slope of the channel.
Sets the discharge.
Sets the water depth.
Sets the manning roughness coefficient.
Sets the unknown based on the available unknowns of a specific channel type.
Sets the unit.
Determines the flow type based on the froude number.
Manning's roughness error checking
Bed slope error checking
Water depth error checking
Discharge error checking.
Check if all conditions are true
Class for the analysis of trapezoidal and triangular channels.